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Forest Schools


What is Forest Schools?

'Forest School is an inspirational process that offers ALL learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland or natural environment with trees.

Forest School is a specialised learning approach that sits within and complements the wider context of outdoor and woodland education'.

Forest School Association- 2019

Forest School at Stepgates

As part of the curriculum we are fortunate in being able to offer Forest School sessions to our children. Forest School is an exciting way forward in environmental education, which brings children into regular and repeated contact with their local outdoor environment. The Forest School initiative in the UK has developed from the Scandinavian model of outdoor play and learning. Children visit an outdoor setting and become familiar with their outdoor space, they develop the safe routines of Forest School, and explore the exciting possibilities open to them at their own pace.

Our aim at all Forest School sessions is to provide children with opportunities to practice and support their spiritual, practical, intellectual, communication, emotional and social development. This holistic approach provides opportunities to improve the children's personal development and understanding of their world. The sessions are not outcome driven; sessions are built around children's interests and needs. Practical activities, games and discussion are on offer to help support the children, to drive their interests and deepen their understanding of their own needs and knowledge of the world around them, developing their confidence at the same time.

By being in a natural environment, the children are able to face new challenges whilst giving consideration to the environment itself. The children are given the opportunity to learn about their impact on the natural world and what they can do to take positive steps to support its development.

What Do We Need for Forest Schools?

Forest Schools sessions take place in all weathers, apart from high winds. Waterproof trousers and a waterproof coat with a hood, or a separate hat, ensure that the children keep warm as well as dry, even in wet weather. This also allows the children to get changed quickly when they get back to school. Layers are the most important part of Forest School kit. Suitable footwear is also important to keep socks dry and feet warm! Waterproof, fleecy lined boots are great as they keep feet warm as well as dry. 

On Forest School days the children come to school in their kit, so it is essential on these days the children have a spare pair of shoes to wear indoors, for when they return from their sessions. 

Be prepared… the children will get dirty and wet; this is all part of the experience.

More mud = More fun!! 

The History of Forest Schools

Although the Forest School approach seems quite a new concept in the UK, its roots can actually be seen in the development of outdoor learning dating back to the early 19th Century. This is evident in the scouting movement and development of Outdoor Education centres around the country.

In the early 1990s, alternative approaches to education started to be explored. Through visiting other countries, notably Scandinavia, professionals witnessed the impact of an 'Open Air Culture,' on children's emotional development and learning.

These philosophies and practices were adopted by settings across the UK, and it is from this that the concept of Forest Schools emerged.   

Forest Schools Association-2019