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Stepgates Community School, along with other local schools and Surrey County Council, firmly believe that all children benefit from regular school attendance.  School education lays the vital foundations of a child’s life. Research clearly demonstrates the link between regular attendance and educational progress and attainment. Full and regular attendance at school is crucial for a child’s future life chances and establishes a positive work ethic early in life. To this end the school will do all it can to encourage parents/carers to ensure that the children in their care achieve maximum possible attendance and that any problems that prevent full attendance are identified and acted on promptly.


At Stepgates we expect that all pupils will:

  • attend school daily;
  • attend school punctually;
  • attend school appropriately prepared for the day;
  • discuss promptly with their class teacher, any problems that deter them from attending school.

We expect that all parents/carers/persons who have day-to-day responsibility for the children will:

  • ensure regular school attendance and be aware of their legal responsibilities;
  • ensure that their child/children in their care arrive at school punctually and  prepared for the school day;
  • ensure that they contact the school daily by 9am whenever the child/children is unable to attend school:
  • contact the school promptly whenever any problem occurs that may keep the child away from school;
  • notify the school of any home circumstances that might affect the behaviour and learning of their child;
  • notify school immediately of any changes to contact details.

We expect that all parents/carers/persons who have day-to-day responsibility for the children will:

  • ensure regular school attendance and be aware of their legal responsibilities;
  • ensure that their child/children in their care arrive at school punctually and  prepared for the school day;
  • ensure that they contact the school daily by 9am whenever the child/children is unable to attend school:
  • contact the school promptly whenever any problem occurs that may keep the child away from school;
  • notify the school of any home circumstances that might affect the behaviour and learning of their child;
  • notify school immediately of any changes to contact details.

Registration and Punctuality

Punctuality to school is crucial. Lateness to school causes disruption to that individual’s learning and to that of the other pupils in the class. It is paramount therefore that all pupils arrive at school on time.

  • Registration takes place at 8.45am and children who arrive after this will be recorded as late to school.
  • If a pupil arrives at school after 9.15am the parent/carer must sign in the late book to ensure their presence on site is noted, particularly in the case of a fire drill.
  • Registers close at 9.15am and after this lateness is recorded as an unauthorised absence and can be subject to prosecution by the local authority.
  • Afternoon registration is taken at 1.15pm.
  • Persistent lateness by a pupil will be dealt with through the Home-School Link Worker and may be referred to Inclusion Service.
  • Children’s attendance and punctuality is recorded on their report and will be passed on to future schools as necessary.

Pupils Leaving During the School Day

During school hours the school staff are legally in loco parentis and therefore must know where the children are during the school day.

  • Children are not allowed to leave the premises without prior permission from the school.
  • Whenever possible, parents should try to arrange medical and other appointments outside of school time.
  • Parents are requested to confirm in writing, by letter or email, the reason for any planned absence, the time of leaving, the expected return time.
  • Children must be signed out on leaving the school and be signed back in on their return.
  • Where a child is being collected from the school, parents are to report to the school office before the child is allowed to leave the site.
  • All children leaving with permission will be given a written authorisation slip by the school in case of being stopped by Truancy Patrol.
  • If a child leaves the school site without permission their parents will be contacted. Should the school be unable to make contact with the family it may be appropriate, in certain circumstances, to contact the Police and register the child as a missing person.

Requests for Leave of Absence

The school holiday dates and end of Key Stage Assessment dates are published a year in advance and leave of absence will not be authorised during these assessment periods. INSET days are published as soon as the school have agreed these, but may be subject to change.

In line with the Government’s amendments to the 2006 regulations (Appendix A), holidays during term time will NOT be authorised. The Headteacher and Governors have determined that:

  • In exceptional circumstances permission may be granted for a maximum of five days of holiday providing a child has a good attendance record over the previous three terms.
  • Where leave of absence in term time is due to exceptional circumstances, an application form must be completed. Please click here to view our 'Request for Leave of Absence' Form, or collect a copy from the school office. It must be submitted for consideration by the Headteacher on behalf of the school governors, no less than 2 weeks prior to the requested date. Consideration will then be given to the child's previous school attendance and that the time requested does not exceed five school days in any one academic year.
  • If leave is taken without prior authorisation by the school, it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence and Inclusion Service will be notified.

In accordance with guidance from Surrey County Council, no holidays will be authorised at the beginning of the academic year, or during May due to end of year assessments. No parents/carers can demand leave of absence for their children as a right. Holidays taken without the permission of the Governing Body may result in a Penalty Notice being issued.

All requests for leave will be considered on a case by case basis by the Governing Body that may, at its discretion, delegate some decisions to the Head teacher. Any appeal will be heard by the Governing Body, whose decision will be final.

For further information, please see our Attendance Policy, which you can find in this section under 'School Policies'.