ERPSSA Dance Festival and ‘It’s A Fish Out' Competition
Stepgates are delighted to announce two fantastic achievements over recent weeks.
Stepgates are delighted to announce two fantastic achievements over recent weeks.
We would like to say a huge thank you to our amazing FOSS team (Friends of Stepgates School) who very kindly bought every pupil in Years R to 6 a plain white T-shirt. The children had a wonderful time designing and decorating their T-shirts for World Book Day on Thursday 7th March.
We are now commencing the admission process for our Sunbeams Nursery for September 2025.
At Stepgates we love to make the festive season extra special for our children!
On Wednesday 1st November we had a very successful whole school trip to see Shrek The Musical at the New Victoria Theatre in Woking.
Judging for the Pumpkin Carving Competition took place on Monday 30th October 2023.
The staff and Governors of Stepgates Community School, supported by the children, parents, FOSS and the local community, continue to raise funds towards their dream to build an enclosure around our new outdoor pool. This will facilitate year-round swimming for all of our children, children from other local schools and local community clubs and associations.
This week we received a very exciting delivery from the Happy Chick Company! The children in Sunbeams, Ladybirds, Butterflies and Grasshoppers classes are all very excited and have found watching the chicks hatch a wonderful experience.
On Thursday 20th April we had a very successful whole school trip to Windsor Castle.
Our school dog, Lolly, joined the children and staff of Stepgates Community School, to support Comic Relief 'Red Nose Day'.
At Stepgates we have a wonderful culture of reading, both for challenge and for pleasure which we are really proud of. We are delighted to introduce you to........ Harry the Book Bear.
On Thursday 2nd March the children were invited to come to school dressed as a character from their favourite book to celebrate World Book Day; they were asked to bring along a copy of the book to share with the class.