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  • Chick-a-thon

    Published 18/05/23

    This week we received a very exciting delivery from the Happy Chick Company!  The children in Sunbeams, Ladybirds, Butterflies and Grasshoppers classes are all very excited and have found watching the chicks hatch a wonderful experience.

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  • Whole School Trip to Windsor Castle

    Published 02/05/23

    On Thursday 20th April we had a very successful whole school trip to Windsor Castle.

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  • Comic Relief 'Red Nose Day' 2023

    Published 17/03/23

    Our school dog, Lolly, joined the children and staff of Stepgates Community School, to support Comic Relief 'Red Nose Day'.

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  • Harry the Book Bear

    Published 17/03/23

    At Stepgates we have a wonderful culture of reading, both for challenge and for pleasure which we are really proud of. We are delighted to introduce you to........ Harry the Book Bear.

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  • World Book Day 2023

    Published 03/03/23

    On Thursday 2nd March the children were invited to come to school dressed as a character from their favourite book to celebrate World Book Day; they were asked to bring along a copy of the book to share with the class.

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  • Autumn Term 2022 Fundraising

    Published 18/01/23

    I am delighted to announce that planning permission has been granted for an enclosure to cover our new outdoor pool; this will facilitate year-round swimming for all of our children, children from other local schools and local community clubs and associations.

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  • 'Scrooge' The Musical

    Published 17/01/23

    On Tuesday 17th January, Stepgates were treated to a surprise production of 'Scrooge' The Musical.

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  • The Salvation Army Christmas Gift Appeal

    Published 13/12/22

    The Salvation Army in Addlestone co-ordinates a Christmas Toy Appeal and last year they provided toys and gifts for over 500 children within Runnymede borough which were distributed to families in need. This year families are facing even more difficulties due to the rising cost of living; the huge increase in utility bills which is having a massive effect upon people’s financial situation and their ability to buy more than the basic requirements. The Salvation Army are expecting an increase in the number of families referred to them and asked if Stepgates Community School could support.

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  • Artsmark

    Published 05/09/22

    Stepgates Community School is delighted to have achieved the Silver Artsmark Award presented by the Arts Council England, for delivering a high-quality arts and cultural education, and for providing excellent ways in demonstrating this.

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  • Eco-Schools Green Flag

    Published 01/09/22

    Eco-Schools Council worked very hard last term, and we are pleased to announce that we achieved the Green Flag in July for Eco-Schools.  We are now looking for a new Eco-Schools team to continue our good work.

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